Behind the camo

How the new species was born

The Ambition

To hunt as nature intended

We made it our mission to bring you the most advanced, most technical, stealth camouflage range available to elite hunters. Here is how this new species of camouflage was born.

Defying the odds

For 200 Million Years

The Tuatara

Our camouflage range was inspired by New Zealand’s very own Tuatara, one of the greatest survival stories on earth. It has survived for over 200 million years, since the time of dinosaurs. In the unforgiving animal kingdom, natural camouflage is what separates the hunters from the hunted, and the survivors from the extinct. The tuatara survived from the Jurassic period against all odds, using its natural camouflage to evade predators and hunt its prey. If you can defy the odds and survive for over 200 million years, you must be doing something right.

We were inspired by this living dinosaur and spent four years working with experts to develop a technical camouflage pattern that embraces the natural stealth ability of this mysterious creature.

"We’re forever on the hunt for innovative new ways to offer our customers cutting edge fabrics and innovative purpose-built designs. When it came to offering the market a really technical high end camouflage pattern, we weren’t happy with where things were at. Flat patterns, photo mimicry – even the recent digital camo trends were ok – but we wanted more than ok. We didn’t want to make just a small change to the game, we wanted to raise the bar to an entire new level and challenge not just the industry, but ourselves as hunters: To hunt as nature intended, and get closer to our target than ever before. So we set out on a journey to build the world’s best camouflage for hunters."

Brent McConnell

CEO - Stoney Creek


The Mission

To meet our bold ambition, Stoney Creek began with months of research and consultation with the experts – hunters, graphic designers, zoologists and experienced wildlife photographers.

Animal Insights
What they discovered, was that the Tuatara – one of the great survivors in the animal kingdom, had four remarkable factors that helped with their evasive and predatory uses of natural camouflage, and ultimately what separated the hunters from the hunted, and the survivors from the extinct.
Design and Application
Armed with these four animal insights, Stoney Creek then needed to perfect the design and application across a wide range of technical hunting clothing and gear. Something you just can’t rush. Countless hours were spent by the production and design teams working with a wide range of cutting edge performance fabrics to perfect the colour matching across garments and layering systems. Something that may sound simple, but it’s not an easy task.
2 Years in the Field
Once the technical team had their first Tuatara Camo prototypes, they then set about the toughest part and discretely field-tested the camouflage for over 24 months with their trusted test team in New Zealand’s forests, the Southern Alps, the high plains and tussocks. ​

"Keeping the camo a secret wasn't easy. We had to find a balance between keeping the project under wraps, and getting our test team out there as much as possible. We even had some of the guys needing to take another set of gear out with them just in case anyone saw them on the track walking out. In all fairness, we shouldn’t have been so worried... they probably wouldn’t have seen them anyway."

Brendon Li

Chief Marketing Officer - Stoney Creek

Designed, Tested and Proven

And we're reaping the rewards

Since the Tuatara® Camo range was launched, it has been continuously put through its paces and tested out in the wild, and hunters are getting the results to prove it! Over the two years prior to launch, we refined and tested our patterns with our elite test team. People were stoked to see a new player out in the field and the Tuatara® Camo range took off!

Julian Danby comments on Tuatara® Camo: Rotorua, New Zealand

Kadin Willis on the depth deception of Tuatara® Camo: Canterbury, New Zealand

How was it received?

What people said when Tuatara® camo was launched

People were stoked to see a new player out in the field and the Tuatara® Camo range took off!

"It's confusing the deer. They just don't know what they are looking at. We were exposed, the deer looked up at us, it couldn't work out what was going on, and then it put its head back down and continued grazing."

"This camo is unbelievable. The colours seem to change and reflect the colours of the bush and vegetation around me. Anything from grass, tussocks, grey rock faces, muddy sand, in the bush... it adapts to any environment."

"Fuck that's cool bro, I need some of that shit."